- Maximum Reachable Height: 3-6 feet
- Difficulty Level: Easy to grow
- Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Watering: Medium
- Soil: Well-drained soil
- Temperature: 15-28 degrees C
- Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer
- Difficulty Level: Easy to grow
- Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade
- Watering: Medium
- Soil: Well-drained soil
- Temperature: 15-28 degrees C
- Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer
- Sunlight: Full sun, partial sun, at least 4 to 6 hours of sunlight per day.
- Watering: Low for the rainy season, Moderate for winter, More than moderate for a summer
- Soil: Avoid excess organic contents in the soil.
- Temperature: 22 to 35 degrees C
- Fertilizer: No need much. A peat-based compost should not be used.