Sedum Adolphii (Succulent Plant)


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  • Common Name: Pink Sedum, Pink stonecrop
  • Maximum Reachable Height: 3-6 feet
  • Flower Colour: Pink
  • Bloom Time: July-September
  • Difficulty Level: Easy to grow
  • Sunlight: Full Sun to Partial Shade
  • Watering: Medium
  • Soil: Well-drained soil
  • Temperature: 15-28 degrees C
  • Fertilizer: Apply any organic fertilizer

The succulent foliage of many types of Sedum is topped by starry flowers in late summer and fall.

  • Sedum adolphii – Succulent Plant- 1
  • 3 inch (8 cm) Grower Round Plastic Pot (Black)- 1
  • 3.3 inch (8 cm) Square Plastic Planter with Rounded Edges (Yellow)- 1

Sedum is a perennial of dry areas, with spreading stems, 8-75 cm tall. Bluish green, flat, fleshy, ovate leaves have somewhat wavy margins.

Planting And Care

Purchase a well-draining container for planting Sedum adolphi. The container should not be any bigger than 2 inches more in diameter than the root section of the plant.

A larger container will contain more potting soil than is needed for the plant to grow. Unused potting soil collects moisture and the organic material in the potting soil will create fungal problems that can spread to the plant.

Water the Sedum adolphi when the soil in the container is dry. Test the soil for dryness by pushing your finger through the gravel mulch into the top inch of soil. Water heavily until water runs from the bottom of the container.

Sedum Adolphii Uses

Ornamental Use: The plant is used for an ornamental purpose

Medicinal Use:

The whole plant in decoction is administered as an anthelmintic enema; a root-decoction is taken by women in pregnancy as a tonic, and the fresh root is used as a snuff (or is chewed) to treat colds

In Ivory Coast, the leaf-sap is used as an antiemetic and to calm the intercostal and intestinal pain

Note : Please consult your health expert

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Sedum Adolphii (Succulent Plant)


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